The Neighborhood Resource Organization is here to help you receive the funding and assistance necessary to help your neighborhood and our community thrive.
NRO Neighborhood Mini-Grant Program
Do you have an idea for a project but need financial assistance to see the idea become a reality? NRO can help! Competitive mini-grants with a maximum of $1,000 are available.
- NRO Neighborhood Mini-Grants are for small, relatively simple projects that provide a public benefit to the community and that in some way support or encourage greater:
– Equity
– Self-sufficiency
– Long-term health: social, economic or environmental - Projects must be completed within six (6) months of the award date.
- Grant funds may be used for ongoing or one-time projects as long as they meet the stated criteria.
- Funds for the Mini-Grant Program are currently provided through a one-year grant received from the PA Commission on Crime and Delinquency. If you are or know of a business or organization willing to continue this beneficial program and become a donor, please contact us today!
Examples of eligible Neighborhood Mini-Grant projects include:
- Neighborhood Improvements – Projects that create or enhance specific physical improvements in public places. Examples include: vacant lot improvements, neighborhood clean-up projects, pocket parks, community gardens, community art projects, awards for most improved home, or best maintained property.
- Neighborhood Leadership and Capacity Building – Projects to improve the capacity of neighborhood groups to address issues, improve conditions, and enhance the quality of life in the neighborhood. Projects that organize residents to undertake a specific project for the positive enhancement of the neighborhood. Examples include: website and newsletter development, marketing brochures, neighborhood signs, resident leadership training, neighborhood history projects, organizing a recycling event, or a community participation event.
- School/Children/Community Partnerships – Projects that involve an active relationship between the neighborhood organization and the local school. Examples include: tutoring and literacy programs, mural painting, children’s safety and first aid training, youth gardening projects, youth leadership development and intergenerational programs.
Applications are available online here. Don’t be afraid to ask for help! NRO provides technical assistance for identifying projects/activities and preparing the application.
Once the application is submitted online to the NRO, a review panel will evaluate it and contact you within days so you can get started on your project!
Printing Services
Want to share important information or upcoming activities with your neighborhood residents?
The NRO has funding available to provide printing services to neighborhood groups for things such as newsletters, flyers, and calendars. Neighborhood groups are encouraged to contact the NRO to discuss their needs and request printing services.
Are you a printing business looking to give back to the community?
Help support the neighborhoods in your community by donating your services. Email Dave Deter at for more information on how to help.